What are cookies?

To ensure that you use our website, services and those of the third parties with whom we cooperate, we and our agents use technologies such as cookies, which are distributed to your device's browsers and include a lot of information on our website, in our emails and as identifiers. Cookies are small data files that are stored in your browser or on your device, as previously described. The technical standard known as "local storage" enables websites to store and access data on a user's computer or other devices.

What do cookies and related technologies do?

By using this technology, we and our agents can enable features, speed up the use of dailygameson.com services and store data about how users interact with those services. monitor and improve how our goods and services are used. In addition, depending on your behavior within the context of the relevant services, we and our agents use this technology to present, understand and create advertisements to users of the website on behalf of Play Fun Casinos and other websites you visit. We use cookies and similar technologies for a variety of purposes, including:

Authentication – We use cookies to help recognize you when you use our services so we can display accurate information, understand how you use the site, and personalize your experience.

Security – The Site uses locally stored cookies to promote or enable security features we use and to detect malicious activity and violations of our terms.

Settings, features and services - We use cookies and similar technologies to understand the language chosen by our users, what communication preferences they have, and also to fulfill the forms for the website.

Advertising – This site may work with advertisers or other advertising partners and service providers to display advertisements or services to computers, mobile phones or other devices, and these providers may in turn also use a device ID, cookies and other similar technologies from our site or placed on our website or on another third party site. By storing these cookies on users' devices, they can be identified across multiple websites. You should read our Terms and Privacy Policy to help our advertisers, partners and ad service providers understand how they collect and use your cookies.

Attribution – Our website may work with advertisers or other partners to determine the effectiveness of an advertising campaign by securing it with cookies they store on their websites or ads. We work with service providers to match these cookies with a corresponding device ID, which is then matched against the data we manage.

Performance, analysis and research – The website occasionally uses other service providers to secure certain products and to provide us with data about website usage in order to develop the services and make them attractive to as many visitors as possible. For example, Play Fun Casinos uses third-party analytics such as Google Analytics to better understand who uses the service and how users use it. These service providers may collect and store anonymous information such as visit time, pages visited, time spent on each page of the website, IP address and type of operating system used. Read the privacy policy to understand how cookies are used.