We value the privacy of our customers. We want to be transparent with you about our data policies and to give you control over the personally identifiable information that dailygameson.com collects about you. This is the privacy policy of dailygameson.com and its wholly-owned subsidiaries.

How do we collect data?

Data users provide us with the following information:

Users using and using our website and services submit information that is received and stored by the website. We may collect your personal information when you create an account.

When you visit the website and use our service, you can opt-in to automatically receiving information about your IP address or location. This website uses various methods to identify your information, including services for your operating system or browser and sensor data from your device.

If you apply on the website, the following additional data about you may be collected:

Search words, pages viewed, length of visit, time spent on each page, IP address and redirected pages are recorded. Your device's hardware model, operating system, unique ID, browser type, language and wireless network are just a few examples of the information we collect about you.

Cookies and other technologies are used for collection, including pixels, local storage, advertising tools and cookies. Users can manage certain types of cookies through their browser settings or other methods. For more information, see our cookie policy.

Information from External Sources

Your information may also come from websites linked to other web service providers, e.g. B. Those operated by third-party developers, enterprise customers, our partners, ad exchanges, ad platforms, ad networks, etc. websites and apps they offer. This data may include details about how you have used these websites, information about related technologies or data from browsers or operating systems such as ad beacons and cookie data.

We will contact you

Your information may be accessed on our website so that we can contact you via email or text message about new product offerings, customer service updates, etc. (only if you consent to this).

Except in anonymized and aggregated form, this website does not rent or sell any user information without the user's consent. After receiving your consent, we may license or otherwise share some information with third parties in a secure manner, as further explained in this Privacy Policy.

Where the Site partners with a company, we may share information with them, but only in aggregate form, or on occasion we may use a non-identifying ID, such as your ID. B. an advertising ID or hash ID (“pseudonymized”). When sharing data anonymously across the web, a special identifier is shared to allow our partner to track the conversions of those who have seen their ads, visited their websites, or just visited them. The Website may also share anonymized data with other third parties, such as developers using our API or our other corporate clients, for analytical or other reasons.

We only share your personal information with third parties with your consent and in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. For example:

We occasionally work with partners to offer contests and promotions on the Site. For example, to win a reward, we can compete with a brand. If you enter the contest, with your permission, we may give this brand access to your email address. In these situations, we only share the data that our partner specifically requests.

In other instances, the Site may release information about you if, to the best of our knowledge and belief, such release is legal or necessary to defend the rights, property, or safety of our users, dailygameson.com, our employees, or others .

Information about you is stored using physical, technological and logical security mechanisms that conform to industry standards. We take precautions to protect your personal information to ensure it is safe.